Self-portrait of a man with glasses and half-smile looking at camera

Aden Albert makes art as Same Ghost. He has exhibited across the United States and in Europe.

I take pictures where I find them. I’m most interested in the stories of things left behind, whether they were forgotten, made obsolete, or are all that remain from some greater something eroded away.

Because I focus on overlooked details, a lot of my work’s about isolation. Isolation isn’t always negative. We need it to recharge, to be more certain of who we are. But it can overwhelm us, make us feel alone and uncared for. I’m trying to figure out how narrow the gap between those two sides in my work.

I started exploring photography in 2002 on a five megapixel Nikon fixed-lens. Those images got me into a photography class in college, where I loved shooting, developing, and printing 35mm Tri-X black and white film.

Twenty years later, image technology has progressed so the best camera’s the one you’ve got on you. I’ve sold or exhibited images taken with my iPhone, a Soviet-era twin-lens reflex (that I sniped off eBay for $25, shipping included), and my new favorite, a Fuji XT-5.

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